When it comes to leggings I am extremely picky! Why? Probably because my legs have always been my biggest insecurity. However a couple of years ago God shifted my mindset. I saw a story on the news about a man who had a surgical complication from a routine surgery and ended up losing both of his legs. Woah. I felt my heart drop in my stomach. As a nurse, I know routine surgery is common.. and who is to say that something like that couldn’t happen to me one day? I know this probably sounds pessimistic.. but if I were to suddenly lose my legs one day would I really want to look back and think that I wasted precious time on being insecure about my legs that worked so perfectly? No ma’am. So now, I choose to love my legs. I love that they take me on walks with my family, I love that they allow me to bounce Ava up on down as I hold her, I love that they can run on a treadmill and then take my shopping later that day;).. they just do so much!! These days, I don’t even think about that much. My legs are great and so are yours, so let’s all move on and enjoy our life!
Okay back to the point! Leggings: I wear them everyday and I am still very picky about them! I’ve tried them all. From the higher end brands like Alo, Outdoor Voices, and Lululemon to the more affordable brands like Old Navy.. I have always found Lulu’s to take the cake at the end of the day. So naturally I have been in the market for a Lulu dupe for quite some time now. Happy to report, I found a few.. You are welcome.
We all have our insecurities. I was going to end this post by asking if you have an insecurity… but that seems like a waste of energy. Instead, I challenge you to gain a new perspective. Don’t waste your precious time on any insecurity, as I can assure you that your time could be better spent. Now, go get yourself some affordable leggings and enjoy your life!
All my love,
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