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I’m not sure if it’s because I’m slightly nosey or the fact that I NEVER know what to say when someone asks what I want for Christmas, but I always want to know what’s on everyone’s wishlist this time of year! Tell me your enneagram type and your Christmas list and I’m satisfied 😉 So if you are like me, and stuck on what to ask for, this list might give you a few ideas!
I’ve been cuddling with my one barefoot dreams blanket every single day for the past three years! But last week my mom picked up a beautiful peach colored throw for me while she was out shopping because she said I, “need a new blanket”. (Trudy’s subtle hints!) I adore the one she gave me but I still need a new Barefoot Dreams on my wishlist because nothing is quite like it! I NEED to have a blanket at all times when I’m on the couch and I love this one because it’s VERY stretchy and cozy, but I never get too warm with it. It somehow works for all four seasons of the year. It really is the best ever!
Last time I went to get my hair done with Britany she told me that I need to get the Dyson Hairdryer. Even though everyone has said how life-changing it is, I’ve never been able to justify the cost. But when Britany Marshall recommends something I’m like OKAY WHATEVER YOU SAY! 😉 So this hairdryer is on my wishlist!
My plan for next year is to update a few things in our bedroom. Instead of purchasing all new bedding, I’m planning to switch up our throw pillows and adding in this leopard bolster. Also, a wedding picture would look so pretty next to our dresser, and THIS custom frame from canvaspop will be perfect.
Speaking of 2020, have you purchased your next planner yet? My sister-in-law showed me THIS one from Etsy and I am obsessed with the entire layout!
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway because I’m giving away 10 gifts from this week’s gift guides (including a few items from this post!) to 10 subscribers so make sure you are entered!
- Subscribe by entering your email HERE
- Tag a friend in this Instagram post HERE
*Winner will be emailed so make sure to enter an email that you check regularly!*
Everything is linked below, but if you’re needing a few more gift ideas to check out THIS post!
All my love,
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