Happy Wednesday, friends! I feel like it has been a lifetime since I’ve jumped on my computer. I know it has only been a week… but it feels so much longer. I won’t bother you with the details but man has life been crazy lately. SO I just keep reminding myself that all things get better with time. And prayer. I have this little chant going in my head on the regular… Prayer and time. Prayer and time. Prayer and time.
Okay moving on! It feels so good to be typing away right now so I am not here to complain! I am here to share a few Amazon Prime Dresses with you! It’s no secret that I have quite a little love affair/addiction with Amazon. And yes, I’m aware that it is probably an actual addiction and probably borderline concerning.. but whatever. 🙂 So let me use my addiction for good and share a few dresses with you that I know you will love! Oh, and ALL of these dresses are under $25!!
By the way, watching try-on sessions is truly my favorite pastime! Ha! I just feel like I get such a better sense of the outfit, ya know? Am I the only one?? That being said, if you want to see the dresses a little better you can head over to my Instagram Stories where I will post the little try-on sesh 🙂
All the items are linked below each photo, but let me know if you have any questions! And I’ll say it again in case you didn’t hear me… ALL of these dresses are under $25!
I know Amazon can be a tad overwhelming sometimes so my hope is that this takes the uncertainty out of it for you! Now, you tell me! Do you like Amazon Prime and Try-on posts like this? And if not Amazon, where is your favorite place to shop from? Let me know in the comments!
All my love,
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