A few weeks ago I tried a new foundation and OH MY GOSH I have never had such a bad breakout! But wait! Ths foundation 3,467 5-star reviews on Sephora and literally everyone I know is obsessed with it?! So how?!
We’ve all been there. Sometimes it can be quite tricky to take beauty recommendations from your BFF because well, what works for them may not work for you. So today, I’m really excited to introduce you to a brand called Skinsei, a personalized skincare routine.

The motto over at Skinsei is that there is #noskinlikeyours. So through a diagnostic online test, they take into consideration the city you live in, sun exposure, exercise, diet, your job, stress level, and more to create a custom skincare routine just for you.
How it works:
- You will start by taking a skin diagnostic, which is made up of 28 questions and a no-makeup selfie that analyzes your skin, which is so cool!
- Once your test is complete you will be able to see your Bioprint (aka your results) No one else will see your results. But I will share mine with you!
- You can then check out the personalized skincare routine that was created for you, which is made up of 3-5 products that are hand-selected to target your specific concerns from the diagnostic test.
My results:

Out of the 7 lifestyle categories, my two lowest scores were sun exposure and stress. Additionally, my skin is naturally VERY dry if I don’t apply any product. So basically, I need to wear a moisturizing SPF and learn to RELAX! Lol!
What I found the most interesting was the statistics of how women take care of their skin based on location. For example, did you know most women in Dallas get their SPF from the foundation or not at all (me most days if I am being honest!) And even worse, Dallas averages the least hours of sleep and least hours of exercise.

Shinsei recommends 5 products for me: Cleanser, essence, serum, SPF Moisturizer, and a mask. This arrived at my door with a personalized magazine that explains each product in-depth, and it also had my name on it which I loved! Ha!
My favorite product is definitely the SPF Moisturizer! I never wear and SPF because I usually don’t like the smell and the white cast it can leave on my face. This one smells SO good and dries completely clear. (See pictures below)
I would completely recommend at least taking the diagnostic to learn more about your skin. You can take the diagnostic HERE. If you decide to order, you can use code for ALEXANDRA20 for 20% off!

All my love,
This post was created in collaboration with Skinsei. All opinions are my own!
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