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Alex Malek


My One New Year Resolution.

Purse (on sale!) | Earrings (back in stock!) | Sweater | Similar Skirt | Boots Pearl Headband (from Amazon)

After a workout last week (I run on the treadmill!) I shared a screenshot of my workout on Instagram Stories and said, “last year my goal was 30 minutes, this year my goal is 37 minutes.” I was kinda kidding though. Kinda.

I’ve never really been one for yearly resolutions. Over the summer, I shared in this post that monthly goals are much more my thing! Actually, one of my 2019 new year resolutions was to set monthly goals… and it was game-changing, you guys. Literally amazing!

Last year I needed a change. Last year I NEEDED to do something different. To be completely honest, 2018 was the hardest year I have ever had. I was tired (ahem pregnant), confused, burned out.. all the things! I was ready to make changes in 2019. I had tried New Year’s resolutions before and I knew they didn’t work for me. There’s something about the planning process that I find so fun- it’s the following through that gives me trouble 😉 I always just thought Resolutions as something fun to do in January, because in February it all goes at the window, ha!

So last year I tried something different. In January 2019 I set goals for… January 2019. That’s it, just one month. I used the Powersheets from the Cultivate Goal Planner (obsessed with these btw) and it was the best thing I did! I was able to create goals each month that were not only attainable, but they actually helped get me to where I wanted to be. In other words, I was creating goals that mattered.

I read this quote the other day:

And then I felt like I had been hit in the gut. How often do we worry about things such as meal planning or working out?? How much time are you spending on getting the promotion that you don’t really want? Are you wasting time trying to figure out how to “like something” that you actually hate? (Maybe your job, where you live, your major in school)

I’m not saying that meal planning and working out isn’t important. But will succeeding at these things alone actually get you to where you want to be?? You know the answer to that.

If God is tugging at your heart and telling you to do something different then DO IT. If you feel like there is something missing, you CAN figure it out! You can create goals that ACTUALLY MATTER. Small, monthly, attainable goals- because little by little, they will all add up!

Looking back on the past year it was FAR from perfect, but overall, I am proud of the fact that I overcame some of my fears and I progressed in things that actually mattered to me.

Please don’t misunderstand though, I DEFINITELY don’t have it all together. Nope, not even close. So my one 2020 resolution?? Actually, it’s the same as last year:

My New Years Resolution is to create goals every month.

Simple and to the point. At the beginning of the month, I take an hour one morning to brainstorm and figure out where I want to be and what matters most (spiritual, personal, work, health + fitness, relationships, etc.) and I absolutely love this time. I start by praying and reading my bible and then I grab my PowerSheets and dig in. My brain works best in the morning with a cup of hot green tea, but if you’re a night person, then do this over a glass of wine and enjoy it!

I had a lot of success with PowerSheets last year, so I will be using these again as my guide. I really, really believe in the process- and you know when I believe in something I just NEED to share it with you!

Actually, I feel like we should go into even more detail on monthly goals. Ya know, the specifics. But that is for an entirely different blog post because I have already talked your ear off enough for today! So keep an eye out for that in the near future 😉

All my love,


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